House Purchase problem

Originally Posted by thefirestate
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Tell me what is this and what it should store:

HouseInfo[x][HID] = x;
It should store nearest house ID into House ID

EDIT: Haha that resolves it entirely! Thanks mate! I havent even noticed I had that dumb stuff inside... hahaha

Messages In This Thread
House Purchase problem - by TwinkiDaBoss - 14.12.2015, 19:36
Re: House Purchase problem - by TwinkiDaBoss - 15.12.2015, 15:39
Re: House Purchase problem - by thefirestate - 15.12.2015, 17:29
Re: House Purchase problem - by TwinkiDaBoss - 15.12.2015, 18:12
Re: House Purchase problem - by thefirestate - 15.12.2015, 18:42

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