06.12.2015, 20:21
$3.120 are so few unless you live here in Greece. Sorry but had to mention that LMAO!
FYI, $3,000 is plenty to live on in most places in the US, considering if he were only hosting SA:MP servers, he'd probably rent a few dedicated servers, and if he were like any of the other fly-by-night hosts, he'd use OVH, so the only costs he'd have would be the rental fees for servers, billing/control panel system licenses, etc. Lets say he pays $500/m in costs and grossed $2,500/m, that's still completely livable in lots of places here in the US, and it's especially livable if you live with a room mate or share the costs of living with someone else.
Now, again, being realistic, no one is going to make it far in the GSP industry by just hosting SA:MP servers.