Save a timer on disconnnect. help.

use gettime or gettickcount functions to save the time they got jailed in some variable when you jail them, when they leave if it's been less than 60 (or 60000 for the tickcount) save current (gettime-your_variable) , that much is remaining from their jail time.

Messages In This Thread
Save a timer on disconnnect. help. - by jimis - 06.12.2015, 12:54
Re: Save a timer on disconnnect. help. - by PrO.GameR - 06.12.2015, 12:59
Re: Save a timer on disconnnect. help. - by TwinkiDaBoss - 06.12.2015, 13:19
Re: Save a timer on disconnnect. help. - by AmigaBlizzard - 06.12.2015, 15:12

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