MySQL Libaries Problems [REP+]

I'm questioning the use of XAMPP on a production server. This is of course fine for development on your local machine, but XAMPP also includes lots of things you actually don't need, which can gobble up disk space and processor time. Especially Apache is a major resource hog. If the web server's only purpose is to serve phpMyAdmin then something like Lighttpd is a better choice.

Messages In This Thread
MySQL Libaries Problems [REP+] - by SecretBoss - 02.12.2015, 22:45
Re: MySQL Libaries Problems [REP+] - by PinkFloydLover - 02.12.2015, 23:24
Re: MySQL Libaries Problems [REP+] - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 02.12.2015, 23:31
Re: MySQL Libaries Problems [REP+] - by Vince - 03.12.2015, 09:44
Re: MySQL Libaries Problems [REP+] - by SilverStand - 03.12.2015, 10:43

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