forward ConnectMySQL();
public ConnectMySQL()
if(mysql_connect(SQL_HOST,SQL_USER,SQL_DB,SQL_PASS ))
printf("[MYSQL]: Conectare la `%s` a avut succes!",SQL_DB);
printf("[MYSQL]: [ERROR]: Conectare la `%s` a esuat!",SQL_DB);
return 1;
this is my mysql_connect where do i find mysql console ? and how to check my connection details username,pass in this system what i put only public onplayerconnect i add something so i think is not from there i think i did add something from INI on mysql and don't know how i didn't get error , and i added public onpropupdate from INI and in this mysql i have OnPlayerUpdateEx instead on onpropupdate so maybe that is the problem ... that why i wanted to give you the .pwn maybe you can watch faster