Money problem!

Sometimes they disappear players money! (Using MYSQL R39).
Sometimes players with $45,000+ remain to $1,000.
stock GiveMoney(playerid, money)
    pInfo[playerid][pMoney] += money;
    mysql_format(MySQLCon, QuerY, sizeof(QuerY), "UPDATE `players` SET `Money`=%d WHERE `ID`=%d AND `user`='%e'", pInfo[playerid][pMoney],pInfo[playerid][pID],GetName(playerid));
    mysql_pquery(MySQLCon, QuerY);
    ResetMoneyBar(playerid);//Resets the money in the original moneybar, Do not remove!
    UpdateMoneyBar(playerid,pInfo[playerid][pMoney]);//Sets the money in the moneybar to the serverside cash, Do not remove!
    return pInfo[playerid][pMoney];

Messages In This Thread
Money problem! - by norton2 - 01.12.2015, 13:17
Re: Money problem! - by arakuta - 01.12.2015, 16:51
Re: Money problem! - by AmigaBlizzard - 01.12.2015, 23:12
Re: Money problem! - by norton2 - 02.12.2015, 11:53
Re: Money problem! - by norton2 - 05.12.2015, 11:41

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