[Tool/Web/Other] SSMM - Samp Server Map Manager


Load maps with objects, vehicles, removable buildings from your PC straight to remote (or local) SA-MP server

SAMP Server Map Manager 2.0

What is it?
SSMM – SA-MP Server Map Manager 2.0.

SSMM is created to simplify maps installing-controlling processes:
1. Replace re-compilation of scripts with maps
2. Replace loading/unloading of scripts with maps
3. Replace uploading maps' files via ftp/other protocols to hostings.

SSMM contains the two parts:
1. Desktop application. It's written in C# with WPF.
2. SA-MP Server's scripts. 2 filterscripts: ssmm_checker, ssmm_keeper. They included:
  • scriptfiles/ssmm_connection.cfg. Settings of the connection to MySQL.
  • scriptfiles/ssmm_local.db. Storage of all uploaded maps.
  • scriptfiles/ssmm_langs/. All languages folder.
  • pawno/include/ssmm.inc. CallBack-API include in case of interaction with gamemode.
Detailed information: Part of SSMM.exe:

Detailed infortation: Part of filterscripts:



Pic №3.

SSMM structire is 3 parts:

1. User PC.
Computer under Windows, SSMM.exe will be placed here

The bridge between user PC and SA-MP server. Can be installed on user pc as well as game/db hosting as well as be in somewhere else.

3. SA-MP Server
It can be located on the home PC and the gaming hosting or anywhere else. Filterscripts ssmm_keeper, ssmm_checker and components for them will be here.

Supporting resources formats:
  • CreateObject
  • CreateDynamicObject
  • AddStaticVehicle
  • AddStaticVehicleEx
  • CreateVehicle
  • RemoveBuildingForPlayer
- Controlling maps on remoted server from home PC.
- Maps can be installed, enabled, disabled, removed.
- If you want to move all maps to another server, copying of 1 file is enought.

New features of 2.0 version
- RemoveBuildingForPlayer support.
- Several languages supporting.
- Showing source code of selected map button.
- ssmm.inc - CallBack API.
- New interface.
- User folder in AppData/Roaming.
- Snaps restoring mode.

Additional information
Data encryption method: DPAPI.
ADO.Net driver for MySQL version:
Available languages: english, russian.


Step1: Allow remote access to db
To start, you should open a remote access to the database, if all 3 parts (Home PC, database MySQL, SAMP Server) are not on the same computer. If you already know how to open access, open it and skip this step. If you encounter difficulties, consider the scheme 3 and find your case of deployment. Select it from the list below.

If SA-MP server located at the game hosting,
MySQL database located at the database hosting,
SSMM.exe located at the user PC, THEN:
1. Open DB remote access control at the game hosting.
2. Get IP adress of the user PC and provide access to it.
3. Get IP adress of the game hosting and provide access to it.

If SA-MP server and MySQL located at the game hosting,
SSMM.exe located at the user PC, THEN:
1. Open MySQL db remote access control at the game hosting.
2. Get IP adress of user PC and provide access to it..

If SSMM.exe and MySQL db located at the user PC, but SA-MP server located at the game hosting, THEN:
1. Open DB remote access control at the user PC.
2. Get IP adress of the SA-MP server and provide access to it.

If SA-MP server, MySQL db and SSMM.exe located at the user PC, skip this stage.

It may be that your case isn't here. In this and any other difficult case, ****** more about remote access and try to open it yourself to relevant parts of SSMM.

If your database does not support remote access, install all of the SSMM parts on the home PC, as in the case №4. And then, after adding some maps, copy its ssmm_local.db from scriptfiles to scriptfiles folder on needed PC, and add ssmm_keeper to server.cfg

Step 2: Appending FS
1. From the release folder copy folders FILTERSCRIPTS, SCRIPTFILES, PAWNO and paste them to your SA-MP server directory, accept replacing.
2. Open the scriptfiles/ssmm_connection.cfg file and edit it with your connection params to MySQL.
3. Open the server.cfg file and append filterscripts ssmm_keeper, ssmm_checker.
4. Launch SA-MP server.
After succesfull connection to MySQL, all necessary tables will be created.

Step 3: Start SSMM.exe
1. Find the SSMM.exe file in the release folder and copy it to your desktop or ahother place that you prefer.
2. Launch SSMM.exe
3. Paste connection to MySQL params and click the "Connect" button.
4. "All maps are loaded" message is a sign that everything is right.

SSMM is ready to work!

Other FAQ
You can find it here: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showpost.php?...0&postcount=14

System requirments:
  • MySQL Database:
    It also should allows the remote access to provide.
  • BlueG MySQL Plugin R34 (R7) or above.
  • Incognito Streamer Plugin 2.7 or above.
  • .NET Framework 4.0 or above.
  • SA-MP server 0.3.7 or above.
  • BlueG: MySQL Plugin.
  • MX_MASTER: MxINI include.
  • Incognito: Streamer plugin.
  • Typical SAMP scripter: MySQL plugin usage stats.
  • AndreT: ORM usage guide.
  • Вениамин Лыткин @Epsil0neR: WPF localization guide.
Version: 2.0 Int.
License: GNU LGPL 2.1
GitHub: http://github.com/DmitrySheenko/ssmm2.0
Download release: https://github.com/DmitrySheenko/SSM...leases/tag/2.0

Messages In This Thread
SSMM - Samp Server Map Manager - by BRICS - 28.11.2015, 11:48
Re: SSMM - Samp Server Map Manager - by FinStar - 28.11.2015, 11:51
Re: SSMM - Samp Server Map Manager - by Ahmad45123 - 28.11.2015, 11:52
Re: SSMM - Samp Server Map Manager - by BRICS - 28.11.2015, 13:50
Re: SSMM - Samp Server Map Manager - by Ahmad45123 - 28.11.2015, 13:59
Re: SSMM - Samp Server Map Manager - by SpikY_ - 28.11.2015, 14:34
Respuesta: SSMM - Samp Server Map Manager - by Coringa253 - 28.11.2015, 16:29
Respuesta: SSMM - Samp Server Map Manager - by Whyd - 28.11.2015, 17:22
Re: SSMM - Samp Server Map Manager - by OstGot - 28.11.2015, 17:30
Re: SSMM - Samp Server Map Manager - by Chaprnks - 01.12.2015, 18:21

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