French part of the forum

Bon les gars, sйrieux calmez vous. Vous me faites honte а faire les gamins. Je vous dit d'attendre, n'aggravez pas la situation..
Laissez le temps aux responsables de nous donner une rйponse et une йventuel intervention.

EDIT: ce n'est pas DUGI.

EDIT 2: Il s'agit apparemment de trop nombreuses plaintes de comportement et de rиgles enfreintes.

Donc j'ai failli а ma mission de modйrateur en vous laissant la possibilitй de vous laisser vous exprimer librement. Si le forum rйouvre (ce que j'espиre) зa sera fini les bullshits, et зa sera la mкme ambiance que britania ou chaque mot de vocabulaire considйrй comme "vulgaire" sera censurй. Si il faut jouer а la garderie je le ferai mais au moins on aura un forum plus frйquentable et de meilleur ambiance. C'est dommage car je n'aime vraiment pas censurй, surtout des bкtises pareil..

Messages In This Thread
French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 14:33
Re: French part of the forum - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 16.11.2015, 14:40
Re: French part of the forum - by TheArrow - 16.11.2015, 14:46
Re: French part of the forum - by KittySeven - 16.11.2015, 14:48
Re: French part of the forum - by DexX39 - 16.11.2015, 15:10
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 15:17
Re: French part of the forum - by Papawy - 16.11.2015, 15:46
Re: French part of the forum - by Alex Magaсa - 16.11.2015, 15:48
Re: French part of the forum - by Herka - 16.11.2015, 15:51
Re: French part of the forum - by Maxime_Creteur - 16.11.2015, 15:53
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 16.11.2015, 15:59
Re: French part of the forum - by vic1997 - 16.11.2015, 15:59
Re: French part of the forum - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 16.11.2015, 16:06
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 16.11.2015, 16:06
Re: French part of the forum - by Herka - 16.11.2015, 16:08
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 16:18
Re: French part of the forum - by vitespirite - 16.11.2015, 16:22
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 16:22
Re: French part of the forum - by TheArrow - 16.11.2015, 16:24
Re: French part of the forum - by Matthalan - 16.11.2015, 16:26
Re: French part of the forum - by Vukilore - 16.11.2015, 16:26
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 16:28
Re: French part of the forum - by davidpolak59 - 16.11.2015, 16:30
Re: French part of the forum - by Matthalan - 16.11.2015, 16:30
Re: French part of the forum - by vic1997 - 16.11.2015, 16:32
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 16.11.2015, 16:35
Re: French part of the forum - by Papawy - 16.11.2015, 16:37
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 16:38
Re: French part of the forum - by Eidorian - 16.11.2015, 16:50
Re: French part of the forum - by Jabern - 16.11.2015, 17:16
Re: French part of the forum - by Eidorian - 16.11.2015, 17:18
Re: French part of the forum - by n0dai - 16.11.2015, 17:20
Re: French part of the forum - by vic1997 - 16.11.2015, 17:21
Re: French part of the forum - by Eidorian - 16.11.2015, 17:24
Re: French part of the forum - by Jeremyy - 16.11.2015, 17:24
Re: French part of the forum - by vic1997 - 16.11.2015, 17:25
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 17:26
Re: French part of the forum - by Eidorian - 16.11.2015, 17:28
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 16.11.2015, 17:28
Re: French part of the forum - by StevenA - 16.11.2015, 17:28
Re: French part of the forum - by Matthalan - 16.11.2015, 17:29
Re: French part of the forum - by n0dai - 16.11.2015, 17:31
Re: French part of the forum - by TheArrow - 16.11.2015, 17:32
Re: French part of the forum - by Papawy - 16.11.2015, 17:32
Re: French part of the forum - by DexX39 - 16.11.2015, 17:32
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 16.11.2015, 17:33
Re: French part of the forum - by TheArrow - 16.11.2015, 17:35
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 17:36
Re: French part of the forum - by vic1997 - 16.11.2015, 17:39
Re: French part of the forum - by AceK - 16.11.2015, 18:07
Re: French part of the forum - by S4t3K - 16.11.2015, 18:11
Re: French part of the forum - by TheArrow - 16.11.2015, 18:26
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 18:26
Re: French part of the forum - by AceK - 16.11.2015, 18:26
Re: French part of the forum - by aymel - 16.11.2015, 18:38
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 18:39
Re: French part of the forum - by Vukilore - 16.11.2015, 18:43
Re: French part of the forum - by aymel - 16.11.2015, 18:49
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 18:50
Re: French part of the forum - by ElectriK - 16.11.2015, 18:51
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 18:52
Re: French part of the forum - by Vukilore - 16.11.2015, 18:54
Re: French part of the forum - by AceK - 16.11.2015, 19:04
Re: French part of the forum - by Papawy - 16.11.2015, 19:06
Re: French part of the forum - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 16.11.2015, 19:12
Re: French part of the forum - by Vukilore - 16.11.2015, 19:12
Re: French part of the forum - by Escapist - 16.11.2015, 19:14
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 19:25
Re: French part of the forum - by Herka - 16.11.2015, 19:33
Re: French part of the forum - by PT - 16.11.2015, 19:35
Re: French part of the forum - by n0dai - 16.11.2015, 19:39
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 19:43
Re: French part of the forum - by vic1997 - 16.11.2015, 19:46
Re: Respuesta: French part of the forum - by AceK - 16.11.2015, 19:58
Re: French part of the forum - by jujuv - 16.11.2015, 19:59
Re: French part of the forum - by totalgaara - 16.11.2015, 20:00
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 20:16
Re: French part of the forum - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 16.11.2015, 20:17
Re: French part of the forum - by vitespirite - 16.11.2015, 20:17
Re: French part of the forum - by aymel - 16.11.2015, 20:20
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 20:22
Re: French part of the forum - by Duck - 17.11.2015, 16:38
Re: French part of the forum - by AceK - 17.11.2015, 17:25
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 17.11.2015, 17:27
Re: French part of the forum - by alex46400 - 17.11.2015, 17:34
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 17.11.2015, 17:39
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 17.11.2015, 17:46
Re: French part of the forum - by andrew01000 - 17.11.2015, 17:49
Re: French part of the forum - by Chipardeur - 17.11.2015, 17:54
Re: French part of the forum - by Eidorian - 17.11.2015, 18:25
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 17.11.2015, 19:19
Re: French part of the forum - by Spydro - 18.11.2015, 06:25
Re: French part of the forum - by Kevln - 18.11.2015, 06:43
Re: French part of the forum - by Vukilore - 18.11.2015, 06:55
Re: French part of the forum - by Sew_Sumi - 18.11.2015, 08:10
Re: French part of the forum - by Karan007 - 18.11.2015, 08:18
Re: French part of the forum - by Sew_Sumi - 18.11.2015, 09:38
Re: French part of the forum - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 18.11.2015, 11:08
Re: French part of the forum - by Jeremyy - 18.11.2015, 11:53
Re: French part of the forum - by xNowZ - 18.11.2015, 11:56
Re: French part of the forum - by Konverse - 18.11.2015, 12:32
Re: French part of the forum - by AlexBlack - 19.11.2015, 16:54
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 19.11.2015, 16:59
Re: French part of the forum - by xNowZ - 19.11.2015, 17:07
Re: French part of the forum - by Sew_Sumi - 19.11.2015, 21:21
Re: French part of the forum - by xNowZ - 19.11.2015, 21:34
Re: French part of the forum - by Hip-hop - 19.11.2015, 21:45
Re: French part of the forum - by xNowZ - 19.11.2015, 21:47
Re: French part of the forum - by Private200 - 19.11.2015, 21:47
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 20.11.2015, 10:51
Re: French part of the forum - by Shepard47 - 20.11.2015, 12:57
Re: French part of the forum - by AlexBlack - 20.11.2015, 13:56
Re: French part of the forum - by joevinusa - 20.11.2015, 14:30
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 20.11.2015, 15:09
Re: French part of the forum - by YouServ - 20.11.2015, 18:18
Re: French part of the forum - by AceK - 20.11.2015, 18:33
Re: French part of the forum - by YouServ - 20.11.2015, 19:02
Re: French part of the forum - by Ashgard - 20.11.2015, 23:18
Re: French part of the forum - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 21.11.2015, 02:51
Re: French part of the forum - by Crayder - 21.11.2015, 03:06

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