16.11.2015, 18:06
1- Download CrashDetect plugin from here (Windows version), then unzip it and put it in plugins folder. (in your server)
2- Download NativeChecker plugin from here, then put it in plugins folder. (in your server)
3- Copy this config, and replace it with your CURRENT config:
4- Delete your server_log.txt then Stop the server, and Start it again.
5- Now if it crashes, post your server_log.txt for us.
Just do EXACTLY what i said...
2- Download NativeChecker plugin from here, then put it in plugins folder. (in your server)
3- Copy this config, and replace it with your CURRENT config:
echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 0 rcon_password maxplayers 100 port 7777 hostname :: UF Unreal Freeroam! (24/7) :: gamemode0 NRG[V] 1 filterscripts NR_G_AS object TFS announce 1 plugins crashdetect streamer y_files Whirlpool GeoIP_Plugin nativechecker query 1 chatlogging 0 weburl ufsamp.com onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 500.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc 0 logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S] language English
5- Now if it crashes, post your server_log.txt for us.
Just do EXACTLY what i said...