French part of the forum

Il y'aura toujours des problиmes - de modйration, de qui va passer modйrateur, de pourquoi on ferait pas зa au lieu de зa, pourquoi зa serait а lui de dйcider de qui fait зa, et ainsi de suite - sur un forum externe.

Le forum "officiel" du mod sa:mp йtait vraiment pas mal. Le soucis c'est bien entendu qu'un certain nombre de personne n'arrivent pas а comprendre que lorsqu'on а besoin d'aide et qu'on se tourne vers un forum communautaire on peut rester aimable, se documenter soit mкme avant, et йchanger dans la bonne humeur.

C'est tout cela qui fait qu'on pourrait passer de meilleurs moments sur ce forum (et qu'on aurait probablement gardй notre partie francophone)...

Messages In This Thread
French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 14:33
Re: French part of the forum - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 16.11.2015, 14:40
Re: French part of the forum - by TheArrow - 16.11.2015, 14:46
Re: French part of the forum - by KittySeven - 16.11.2015, 14:48
Re: French part of the forum - by DexX39 - 16.11.2015, 15:10
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 15:17
Re: French part of the forum - by Papawy - 16.11.2015, 15:46
Re: French part of the forum - by Alex Magaсa - 16.11.2015, 15:48
Re: French part of the forum - by Herka - 16.11.2015, 15:51
Re: French part of the forum - by Maxime_Creteur - 16.11.2015, 15:53
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 16.11.2015, 15:59
Re: French part of the forum - by vic1997 - 16.11.2015, 15:59
Re: French part of the forum - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 16.11.2015, 16:06
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 16.11.2015, 16:06
Re: French part of the forum - by Herka - 16.11.2015, 16:08
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 16:18
Re: French part of the forum - by vitespirite - 16.11.2015, 16:22
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 16:22
Re: French part of the forum - by TheArrow - 16.11.2015, 16:24
Re: French part of the forum - by Matthalan - 16.11.2015, 16:26
Re: French part of the forum - by Vukilore - 16.11.2015, 16:26
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 16:28
Re: French part of the forum - by davidpolak59 - 16.11.2015, 16:30
Re: French part of the forum - by Matthalan - 16.11.2015, 16:30
Re: French part of the forum - by vic1997 - 16.11.2015, 16:32
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 16.11.2015, 16:35
Re: French part of the forum - by Papawy - 16.11.2015, 16:37
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 16:38
Re: French part of the forum - by Eidorian - 16.11.2015, 16:50
Re: French part of the forum - by Jabern - 16.11.2015, 17:16
Re: French part of the forum - by Eidorian - 16.11.2015, 17:18
Re: French part of the forum - by n0dai - 16.11.2015, 17:20
Re: French part of the forum - by vic1997 - 16.11.2015, 17:21
Re: French part of the forum - by Eidorian - 16.11.2015, 17:24
Re: French part of the forum - by Jeremyy - 16.11.2015, 17:24
Re: French part of the forum - by vic1997 - 16.11.2015, 17:25
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 17:26
Re: French part of the forum - by Eidorian - 16.11.2015, 17:28
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 16.11.2015, 17:28
Re: French part of the forum - by StevenA - 16.11.2015, 17:28
Re: French part of the forum - by Matthalan - 16.11.2015, 17:29
Re: French part of the forum - by n0dai - 16.11.2015, 17:31
Re: French part of the forum - by TheArrow - 16.11.2015, 17:32
Re: French part of the forum - by Papawy - 16.11.2015, 17:32
Re: French part of the forum - by DexX39 - 16.11.2015, 17:32
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 16.11.2015, 17:33
Re: French part of the forum - by TheArrow - 16.11.2015, 17:35
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 16.11.2015, 17:36
Re: French part of the forum - by vic1997 - 16.11.2015, 17:39
Re: French part of the forum - by AceK - 16.11.2015, 18:07
Re: French part of the forum - by S4t3K - 16.11.2015, 18:11
Re: French part of the forum - by TheArrow - 16.11.2015, 18:26
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 18:26
Re: French part of the forum - by AceK - 16.11.2015, 18:26
Re: French part of the forum - by aymel - 16.11.2015, 18:38
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 18:39
Re: French part of the forum - by Vukilore - 16.11.2015, 18:43
Re: French part of the forum - by aymel - 16.11.2015, 18:49
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 18:50
Re: French part of the forum - by ElectriK - 16.11.2015, 18:51
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 18:52
Re: French part of the forum - by Vukilore - 16.11.2015, 18:54
Re: French part of the forum - by AceK - 16.11.2015, 19:04
Re: French part of the forum - by Papawy - 16.11.2015, 19:06
Re: French part of the forum - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 16.11.2015, 19:12
Re: French part of the forum - by Vukilore - 16.11.2015, 19:12
Re: French part of the forum - by Escapist - 16.11.2015, 19:14
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 19:25
Re: French part of the forum - by Herka - 16.11.2015, 19:33
Re: French part of the forum - by PT - 16.11.2015, 19:35
Re: French part of the forum - by n0dai - 16.11.2015, 19:39
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 19:43
Re: French part of the forum - by vic1997 - 16.11.2015, 19:46
Re: Respuesta: French part of the forum - by AceK - 16.11.2015, 19:58
Re: French part of the forum - by jujuv - 16.11.2015, 19:59
Re: French part of the forum - by totalgaara - 16.11.2015, 20:00
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 20:16
Re: French part of the forum - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 16.11.2015, 20:17
Re: French part of the forum - by vitespirite - 16.11.2015, 20:17
Re: French part of the forum - by aymel - 16.11.2015, 20:20
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 16.11.2015, 20:22
Re: French part of the forum - by Duck - 17.11.2015, 16:38
Re: French part of the forum - by AceK - 17.11.2015, 17:25
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 17.11.2015, 17:27
Re: French part of the forum - by alex46400 - 17.11.2015, 17:34
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 17.11.2015, 17:39
Re: French part of the forum - by Hamiltonn - 17.11.2015, 17:46
Re: French part of the forum - by andrew01000 - 17.11.2015, 17:49
Re: French part of the forum - by Chipardeur - 17.11.2015, 17:54
Re: French part of the forum - by Eidorian - 17.11.2015, 18:25
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 17.11.2015, 19:19
Re: French part of the forum - by Spydro - 18.11.2015, 06:25
Re: French part of the forum - by Kevln - 18.11.2015, 06:43
Re: French part of the forum - by Vukilore - 18.11.2015, 06:55
Re: French part of the forum - by Sew_Sumi - 18.11.2015, 08:10
Re: French part of the forum - by Karan007 - 18.11.2015, 08:18
Re: French part of the forum - by Sew_Sumi - 18.11.2015, 09:38
Re: French part of the forum - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 18.11.2015, 11:08
Re: French part of the forum - by Jeremyy - 18.11.2015, 11:53
Re: French part of the forum - by xNowZ - 18.11.2015, 11:56
Re: French part of the forum - by Konverse - 18.11.2015, 12:32
Re: French part of the forum - by AlexBlack - 19.11.2015, 16:54
Re: French part of the forum - by Dutheil - 19.11.2015, 16:59
Re: French part of the forum - by xNowZ - 19.11.2015, 17:07
Re: French part of the forum - by Sew_Sumi - 19.11.2015, 21:21
Re: French part of the forum - by xNowZ - 19.11.2015, 21:34
Re: French part of the forum - by Hip-hop - 19.11.2015, 21:45
Re: French part of the forum - by xNowZ - 19.11.2015, 21:47
Re: French part of the forum - by Private200 - 19.11.2015, 21:47
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 20.11.2015, 10:51
Re: French part of the forum - by Shepard47 - 20.11.2015, 12:57
Re: French part of the forum - by AlexBlack - 20.11.2015, 13:56
Re: French part of the forum - by joevinusa - 20.11.2015, 14:30
Re: French part of the forum - by cristab - 20.11.2015, 15:09
Re: French part of the forum - by YouServ - 20.11.2015, 18:18
Re: French part of the forum - by AceK - 20.11.2015, 18:33
Re: French part of the forum - by YouServ - 20.11.2015, 19:02
Re: French part of the forum - by Ashgard - 20.11.2015, 23:18
Re: French part of the forum - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 21.11.2015, 02:51
Re: French part of the forum - by Crayder - 21.11.2015, 03:06

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