Will I be able to edit this gamemode.

So I downloaded this server package and the mapping was only .amx with no .pwn so I could not edit the mapping and I got rid of it.

But for the gamemode this is how it looks/works:

It has a 30mb .AMX file, but a 2 KB .PWN file.

This is what the .pwn says.

/* ---------------- SCRIPT REVISION ----------------- */

// Do not forget to change this everytime you commit - it's mandatory!

#define SERVER_GM_TEXT "blabla"

#include <a_samp>
#include <a_mysql>
#include <streamer>
#include <yom_buttons>
#include <ZCMD>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <foreach>
#include <YSI\y_timers>
#include <YSI\y_utils>
#if defined SOCKET_ENABLED
#include <socket>
#include "./includes/defines.pwn"
#include "./includes/enums.pwn"
#include "./includes/variables.pwn"
#include "./includes/timers.pwn"
#include "./includes/functions.pwn"
#include "./includes/commands.pwn"
#include "./includes/mysql.pwn"
#include "./includes/OnPlayerLoad.pwn"
#include "./includes/callbacks.pwn"
#include "./includes/textdraws.pwn"
#include "./includes/streamer.pwn"
#include "./includes/OnDialogResponse.pwn"

main() {}

public OnGameModeInit()
print("Preparing the gamemode, please wait...");
return 1;

public OnGameModeExit()
return 1;

And in the gamemodes folder it has an includes folder with: callbacks, commands, defines, enums, functions, mysql, mysql, bla bla all .pwn

So the main question is am I going to be able to edit the gamemode, and if I can do I edit it through the includes folder?

Messages In This Thread
Will I be able to edit this gamemode. - by rejuiced - 10.11.2015, 20:32
Re: Will I be able to edit this gamemode. - by Virtual1ty - 10.11.2015, 20:45
Re: Will I be able to edit this gamemode. - by rejuiced - 10.11.2015, 20:49

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