Minigames Server

As a player, I don't care. To paraphrase ******, players don't care about the systems behind the screen. They don't care if you're saving their data using MySQL, some INI filesystem or by printing them on paper and scanning them when needed.

However, as a developer, I'd go for separate files. Putting everything in one large file makes it very tedious to maintain.

Messages In This Thread
Minigames Server - by JaKe Elite - 03.11.2015, 14:47
Re: Minigames Server - by Kaperstone - 04.11.2015, 02:49
Re: Minigames Server - by Sh4d0w2 - 04.11.2015, 02:53
Re: Minigames Server - by Infinity - 04.11.2015, 07:34

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