01.11.2015, 16:27
Последний раз редактировалось SkinnyF; 01.11.2015 в 16:32.
Причина: Edit
Btw i am getting this error because of a new include "[MV]*******" My gps and that include both using explode so i had stock in my gamemode and include so i had to remove it from my gm but now i am getting this error idk why. ATGOggy i checked it tried something like this same error.
edited: So i tried to change stock to other cuz they were very similar but not the same. If i use from gamemode i have error in include, if i use from include i get error from gm. here is include's code:
edited: So i tried to change stock to other cuz they were very similar but not the same. If i use from gamemode i have error in include, if i use from include i get error from gm. here is include's code:
/* Credits: *******InMP3 - API - http://*******inmp3.com/api/nl677a617e9d...5156Westie - strlib: explode() - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...el@Belgium - [MV]_******* native Play*******VideoForPlayer(playerid,url[]) native Stop*******VideoForPlayer(playerid) native Contains*******URL(string[]) native Is*******VideoPlaying() native GetLengthOfVideo() native GetVideoTitle() native GetVideoLink() Update 1.1: - Fixed where server crashes when you have a ******* link with more GET params Update 1.2: - Added callback On*******VideoFinished(playerid) Update 2.0 - Added stock Contains*******URL, Is*******VideoPlaying, GetLengthOfVideo, GetVideoTitle and GetVideoLink - Improved code */ #include <a_http> new bool:g_playing = false, g_title[256], g_duration = 0, g_link[64]; forward On*******VideoFinished(playerid); forward SongFinished(playerid); stock Play*******VideoForPlayer(playerid,url[]) { if(strfind(url,"&") != -1) strmid(url,url,0,strfind(url,"&"),128); format(g_link,sizeof(g_link),"%s",url); format(url,128,"*******inmp3.com/fetch/?api=advanced&video=%s",g_link); HTTP(playerid, HTTP_GET, url, "", "On*******Response"); } stock Stop*******VideoForPlayer(playerid) return StopAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid); stock Contains*******URL(string[]) return (strfind(string,"*******") != 1 && strfind(string,"watch?v=") != 1); stock Is*******VideoPlaying() return g_playing; stock GetLengthOfVideo() return g_duration; stock GetVideoTitle() return g_title; stock GetVideoLink() return g_link; forward On*******Response(playerid, response_code, data[]); public On*******Response(playerid, response_code, data[]) { if(response_code == 200) { new content[3][256],stream[256],string[256]; new hours,minutes,seconds,tmp_seconds[8]; explode(content,data,"<br />"); strmid(tmp_seconds,content[1],8,strlen(content[1])); strmid(stream,content[2],6,strlen(content[2])); g_duration = strval(tmp_seconds); g_title = content[0]; formatSeconds(g_duration,hours,minutes,seconds); format(string,sizeof(string),"{0049FF}[Now playing] {00c9ff}%s (Duration: %02d:%02d:%02d)",GetVideoTitle(),hours,minutes,seconds); SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,string); PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid,stream); g_playing = true; SetTimerEx("SongFinished",(g_duration+5)*1000,false,"i",playerid); } else { new error[128]; format(error,sizeof(error),"{0049FF}[ERROR] {00c9ff}An error has occured: %s (%d)",GetError(response_code),response_code); SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFF0000FF,error); } } public SongFinished(playerid) { g_playing = false; CallLocalFunction("On*******VideoFinished","i",playerid); } stock GetError(val) { new error[32]; switch(val) { case 1: error = "Bad host"; case 2: error = "No socket"; case 3: error = "Can't connect"; case 4: error = "Can't write"; case 5: error = "Content too big"; case 6: error = "Malformed response"; case 300..308: error = "Redirection"; case 400..499: error = "Client error"; case 500..599: error = "Server error"; } return error; } stock formatSeconds(seconds, &hours_left, &minutes_left, &seconds_left) { hours_left = seconds/60/60; minutes_left = (seconds - hours_left*60*60)/60; seconds_left = (seconds - hours_left*60*60 - minutes_left*60); } stock explode(aExplode[][], const sSource[], const sDelimiter[] = " ", iVertices = sizeof aExplode, iLength = sizeof aExplode[]) { new iNode, iPointer, iPrevious = -1, iDelimiter = strlen(sDelimiter); while(iNode < iVertices) { iPointer = strfind(sSource, sDelimiter, false, iPointer); if(iPointer == -1) { strmid(aExplode[iNode], sSource, iPrevious, strlen(sSource), iLength); break; } else { strmid(aExplode[iNode], sSource, iPrevious, iPointer, iLength); } iPrevious = (iPointer += iDelimiter); ++iNode; } return iPrevious; }