31.10.2015, 05:07
enter your lux admin pwn file and search for:
you will see:
you will be able to use the code which puted between " ".
by the way luxadmin default second rcon password is changeme, and i am not sure but you can bypass the second rcon dialog by using a command show you another dialog, like: make a command /bypassrconpassword, this command will show you a dialog with bypassed text lol dialog will dis apper auto with out click exit :3 then now we found bug, for avoid it make player not be able to use command when second rcon login dialog apper for he c:
#define TwoRconPass
PHP код:
#define TwoRconPass "your rcon password"
by the way luxadmin default second rcon password is changeme, and i am not sure but you can bypass the second rcon dialog by using a command show you another dialog, like: make a command /bypassrconpassword, this command will show you a dialog with bypassed text lol dialog will dis apper auto with out click exit :3 then now we found bug, for avoid it make player not be able to use command when second rcon login dialog apper for he c: