Scripting help: Getvehiclename


Take this enum from the user before me, and this row has to be like this:
PHP код:
format(stringsizeof(string), "6[VEHICLE] %s has bought a %s for $%s from the %s!"PlayerName(playerid), CarNames[GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))-400][CarName], number_format(bikes[listitem][bikeprice]), biz[tmpid][bizname]); 

Messages In This Thread
Scripting help: Getvehiclename - by Siyan - 26.10.2015, 06:07
Re: Scripting help: Getvehiclename - by Hessu - 26.10.2015, 06:20
Re: Scripting help: Getvehiclename - by Mencent - 26.10.2015, 06:23

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