Trying to learn pawn... question about this piece of script

1. Yes
2. This creates a new string called "pName" that the players name will be stored in, and creates a string which the message will be sent in.
3. The GetPlayerName Stores the players name into the "pName" string.
4. the switch(blah) will create a switch which has case 0: case 1: case:2 etc more on switches here
5. Your right, it will see if the player either left normaly, crashed/timedout or was kicked from the server and put it into the blank string.
6. Again yes
7. This will send the message that was put into "string" in question 5.

Messages In This Thread
Trying to learn pawn... question about this piece of script - by ThePS3Guy - 08.08.2009, 04:52
Re: Trying to learn pawn... question about this piece of script - by ruarai - 08.08.2009, 06:22

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