Coding style

"pro code" is your own style, I don't get why would people learn to code how other people code, you just make it harder for yourself to code.

Want to know how the real master codes ? In Assembly. I don't always use that language, but when I do, chicks can't stop from hiring me

Messages In This Thread
Coding style - by Su37Erich - 09.10.2015, 21:04
Re: Coding style - by MP2 - 10.10.2015, 11:19
Re: Coding style - by Vince - 10.10.2015, 12:10
Re: Coding style - by Su37Erich - 24.10.2015, 00:52
Re: Coding style - by Kaperstone - 24.10.2015, 03:43
Re: Coding style - by Crayder - 24.10.2015, 08:45

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