3D Text label OnPlayerDeath

solved original issue, got a new(irrelevant to this)issue, posted it as a reply.

Alright so I basicly want to make it so that when a person dies, a label appears on their position with players name, killers name along with the weapon used.

new Text3D:Deathlabel[MAX_PLAYERS]; //global

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;

    Deathlabel = Create3DTextLabel("%s's body.\nKilled by %s\nwith a %s.", -1, x, y, z, 40.0, 0, 0); //
    return 1;

GW.pwn(450) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 1)
GW.pwn(495) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "Deathlabel")
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

2 Errors.
I guess what I need to know / what someone needs to explain to me is: where do I add playerid, killerid and reason? A little lost on the whole "symbol is assigned a value that is never used: "Deathlabel" aswell.
Also, I'm pretty sure theres something else in the code that I messed up with.

I think I understand what the problem is I just lack the experience/knowledge to set it up properly.

Thanks for taking your time!

Messages In This Thread
3D Text label OnPlayerDeath - by Counterafk - 21.10.2015, 14:11
AW: 3D Text label OnPlayerDeath - by Kaliber - 21.10.2015, 21:51
Re: 3D Text label OnPlayerDeath - by Vince - 21.10.2015, 21:59
Re: 3D Text label OnPlayerDeath - by Counterafk - 22.10.2015, 19:02
Re: 3D Text label OnPlayerDeath - by J0sh... - 22.10.2015, 19:07
Re: 3D Text label OnPlayerDeath - by AbyssMorgan - 22.10.2015, 19:12
Re: 3D Text label OnPlayerDeath - by Counterafk - 22.10.2015, 22:50
Re: 3D Text label OnPlayerDeath - by jlalt - 23.10.2015, 07:56
Re: 3D Text label OnPlayerDeath - by Counterafk - 23.10.2015, 11:33

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