[Help]Floats not reading from file

Hello SA-MP Community, I have a question.. I'm creating my own race system that uses .txt file to read the checkpoints from the race that I want to load, problem is that is doesn't read more than the first line...

What it reads:
pawn Код:
//Taken from server_log.txt
[19:35:48] 1335.928955 -1401.856689 12.985382//Reads only the first line, the others are passed as 0.00000. Taken from printf("%f %f %f"); which is below. btw it is the race teleport position.
[19:35:48] 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
[19:35:48] 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
[19:35:48] 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
[19:35:48] 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
[19:35:48] 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
[19:35:48] 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
[19:35:48] Race: Races/MalditaSeaaaa.txt loaded :D.
What it should read:

pawn Код:
//From File: Races/MalditaSeaaaa.txt
1335.928955 -1401.856689 12.985382//Race teleport position
1171.701049 -1400.752441 12.991071
1139.878051 -1400.623413 13.161470
1129.225097 -1400.581054 13.104701
1121.548950 -1400.553222 13.064607
1115.345947 -1400.531127 13.047828
1110.744506 -1400.514770 13.075002
Meaning that the checkpoint saving is right so the problem is loading...

pawn Код:
//File path
#define RACEPATH "Races/%s.txt"
//Saving checkpoints:

CMD:saverace(playerid, params[])
    new f2[128];
    format(f2, sizeof(f2), RACEPATH, filename);//filename is the variable on which I store the name of the race..
    new File:file = fopen(f2, io_append);
        for(new i=0 ; i < currentline ; i++)
            new f[128];
            format(f, sizeof(f), "%f %f %f\r\n", Checkpoints[i][0], Checkpoints[i][1], Checkpoints[i][2]);
            fwrite(file, f);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{00CCFF}Race saved.");
    return 1;

//Loading checkpoints:

stock LoadRace(racename[32], start = 0)
    new hola[128], i;
    format(hola, sizeof(hola), RACEPATH, racename);
        new File:Load = fopen(hola, io_read);
            new templine[128];
            new count;
            while(fread(Load, templine))
                Checkpoints[count+1][0] = floatstr(strtok(templine, i));
                Checkpoints[count+1][1] = floatstr(strtok(templine, i));
                Checkpoints[count+1][2] = floatstr(strtok(templine, i));
                printf("%f %f %f", Checkpoints[count+1][0], Checkpoints[count+1][1], Checkpoints[count+1][2]);
            currentline = count;//Count is the number of checkpoints.
            racename = filename;
                case 0://Dont Start
                    printf("The race was loaded, but not started.");
                case 1://Start
                    new f[128];
                    format(f, sizeof(f), "{00CCFF}[Race]Race %s is going to start. /joinrrace");
                    SendClientMessageToAll(-1, f);
            printf("Race %s loaded :D", hola);
            return 1;
        else printf("Error while loading race %s", hola);
    else printf("The race %s does not exist.", hola);
    return 0;

Messages In This Thread
[Help]Floats not reading from file - by xXmAn40100Xx - 20.10.2015, 00:44
Re: [Help]Floats not reading from file - by Jefff - 20.10.2015, 01:52
Respuesta: Re: [Help]Floats not reading from file - by xXmAn40100Xx - 20.10.2015, 02:06

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