Eat Command not working properly

Why do you have IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint but not check the result? Secondly, it will always display you are no longer hungry because it's not told to do so otherwise(assuming you have the knife).

Also, knifes are weaponID 4 not 8.

Messages In This Thread
Eat Command not working properly - by Crystallize - 17.10.2015, 23:06
Re: Eat Command not working properly - by Abagail - 17.10.2015, 23:19
Re: Eat Command not working properly - by Crystallize - 17.10.2015, 23:23
Re: Eat Command not working properly - by TwinkiDaBoss - 17.10.2015, 23:30
Re: Eat Command not working properly - by Crystallize - 17.10.2015, 23:46

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