function heading differs from prototype.

A common cause of this is the YSI library by ****** which hooks some functions(including OnPlayerGiveDamage & OnPlayerTakeDamage).

That being said, if you are using YSI 3.0 you will need to either remove YSI or download 4.0 or above which match the current syntax(or you could alter the include manually, though updating it is a better approach).

Messages In This Thread
... - by StackedPizza - 09.10.2015, 23:45
Re: function heading differs from prototype. - by Crayder - 09.10.2015, 23:49
AW: function heading differs from prototype. - by Kaliber - 09.10.2015, 23:50
Re: function heading differs from prototype. - by Abagail - 09.10.2015, 23:53
Re: AW: function heading differs from prototype. - by Crayder - 10.10.2015, 00:16
AW: Re: AW: function heading differs from prototype. - by Kaliber - 10.10.2015, 01:25
Re: function heading differs from prototype. - by StackedPizza - 10.10.2015, 01:39
... - by StackedPizza - 10.10.2015, 02:38

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