Originally Posted by Threshold
That ^, and here:
pawn Код:
CMD:game(playerid, params[]) { OnBoard[playerid] = true; new JoinedPlayerStr[35], str[950] = "Game Status: "; switch(GameStatus) { case 0: strcat(str, "{33CC33}Ready for play! (/ready)"); case 1: strcat(str, "{FF0000}Starting..."); case 2: strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}In Progress..."); case 3: strcat(str, "{DDDD00}Finished! Resetting..."); case 4: strcat(str, "{FF0000}! LOCKED !"); } strcat(str, "\n---------------------------------------------------\n"); for(new i = 0; i < 24; i++) { if(!IsPlayerConnected(JoinedPlayer[i])) continue; new colorstring[7] = "AAAAAA"; if(JoinedPlayer[i] != -1) { new Float:Health; GetPlayerHealth(JoinedPlayer[i], Health); if(90.0 <= Health <= 100.0) colorstring = "33CC33"; else if(70.0 <= Health < 90.0) colorstring = "99CC00"; else if(50.0 <= Health < 70.0) colorstring = "DDDD00"; else if(20.0 <= Health < 50.0) colorstring = "FF6600"; else if(0.0 < Health < 20.0) colorstring = "FF0000"; } format(JoinedPlayerStr, sizeof(JoinedPlayerStr), (!((i + 1) % 4) && i != 23) ? ("{%s}%s\n") : ("{%s}%s\t"), colorstring, GetName(JoinedPlayer[i])); strcat(str, JoinedPlayerStr); } return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, GAME_DIALOG, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST, "The Hunger Games 2015", str, "Close", ""); }
Ah I see. Can I get a better explanation of the format string? Why is it set up that way?