/All Chat

Ok, I don't know why this is so hard for me to do. I'm just not good at this string shit or whatever. I'm making a DM/Light Roleplay script and it has chat limited to a radius of about 20 or so. Well, now I want a All Chat where you can type /all [Message] and everyone sees it. For some reason I can't get it. I tried searching and nothing. Also, I'm using dcmd. Any help is appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
/All Chat - by Adamrcook - 06.08.2009, 19:19
Re: /All Chat - by xCoder - 06.08.2009, 19:22
Re: /All Chat - by kaisersouse - 06.08.2009, 19:28
Re: /All Chat - by Adamrcook - 06.08.2009, 20:00

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