28.09.2015, 19:54
Maybe it's because you included easydialogs with nex-ac, but.. I recommend to disable or enable detections via EnableAntiCheatForPlayer or via config-file
Use latest version of nex-ac (1.8.5 for now) It seems there are some problems with the hooked functions. I'm not entirely sure because of what it could be, but I can advise (if somewhere else there is hook for these functions) to make them like in Hook Method 7 1. Update your server to version R2-1 (including all files in pawno/include folder). 2. Try to include mSelection and YSI before nex-ac Rename "info" in nex-ac (on lines 1578 and 1580) for example in "ac_info" |
Kick Info: [Nex-AC] Suspiciune de la ID 0. Motiv cod: 052 (1)
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart) { if(weaponid == 34) SetPlayerHealth(playerid,0); if(weaponid == 1) SetPlayerHealth(playerid,0); if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 50.0, 1802.9991,-1855.2661,13.4141) && (playerVariables[issuerid][pGroup] > 3 || playerVariables[issuerid][pGroup] == 0)) { new Float:health; GetPlayerHealth(playerid,health); SetPlayerHealth(playerid, health); SetPlayerArmedWeapon(issuerid, 0); return 0; }