What are causing this grapich problems?

I'm having some problems with my grapichs in GTA's

SA-MP: Un-detailed objects that are far away (picture in attachments)
Look at the fence, it's a perfect example.

If I remeber right, this issue came up when I changed the screen res or something.
And it never went back to normal..

Settings: Highest, ask me about any settings if you need.

Yeah, I have tried to delete the gta_sa.set with out sucsses.

GTA IV: Picture in attacments too.

I'm not having any issues on other places, just in those games.
Haven't tierd with other games yet.

I had a similar problem before, but then it weren't just in game.
The problem was that the grapich card was broken.
But I got a new one, and even a newer model.

The issue got away.

But now I have the picture issue in games instead..

I still hear a weird noise, almost a werid noice that I had on my
old grapich card.

So is this broken too.
Or are it comming from my PSU maybe?

sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n37t2KiMlG8


Gigabyte Z97P-D3

Intel Core i7-4790

MSI R9 390 gaming 8G

Corsair Vengeance LP 8GB 1600 mhz (having another pack so it be 16, but don't use it, as it cause other issues)

Corsair CX750


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