Chaning the game mode name

SSS is in Source>Gamemodes = SSS.pwn and SSS.amx
and it's at Gamemodes(own map) SSS.amx

I changed all those 3 to XDM but..No luck. I always get that message that there should be gamemode0.
I tried gamemode1 XDM 1 but no luck.. :O

Messages In This Thread
Chaning the game mode name - by XtremeChio - 06.08.2009, 11:00
Re: Chaning the game mode name - by MenaceX^ - 06.08.2009, 11:02
Re: Chaning the game mode name - by XtremeChio - 06.08.2009, 11:08
Re: Chaning the game mode name - by Correlli - 06.08.2009, 12:15
Re: Chaning the game mode name - by XtremeChio - 06.08.2009, 12:54

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