I need help...

update your plugin and include.
and if you have 2 pawnos. open Manual that pawno the streamer include is on include folder near that and compile the gamemode !

Messages In This Thread
I need help... - by turkromeo - 21.09.2015, 13:17
Re: I need help... - by jlalt - 21.09.2015, 13:19
Re: I need help... - by turkromeo - 21.09.2015, 13:23
Re: I need help... - by jlalt - 21.09.2015, 13:25
Re: I need help... - by turkromeo - 21.09.2015, 13:28
Re: I need help... - by jlalt - 21.09.2015, 13:31
Re: I need help... - by M0HAMMAD - 21.09.2015, 13:41

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