Respawn timer(help)

Yeah i qeuss.. It looks like all of my teams are fucked up for some reason, one time i someone is the yellow in army then he can teamkill, the other time he is brown and then he can't teamkil,.. I was going to launch my server tonight, but it looks like not..

Messages In This Thread
Respawn timer(help) - by urkiefly101 - 05.08.2009, 16:24
Re: Respawn timer(help) - by dafel2 - 05.08.2009, 16:32
Re: Respawn timer(help) - by urkiefly101 - 05.08.2009, 17:07
Re: Respawn timer(help) - by Sergei - 05.08.2009, 17:09
Re: Respawn timer(help) - by urkiefly101 - 05.08.2009, 17:16

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