Timer Minutes countdown?

Ehm, I'm making DM event system, I have to annouce every minute (for 7 mins) that theres an event going it and (mins left)
format(blablabla,sizeof(blablabla),"Theres an event going on, %d minutes to join",minutes);
In timer which says the same message for 7 mintues and then, stops the timer
and give player weapons n others
I need just tutorial for how to make this countdown (minutes) without crashing the gamemode.

Messages In This Thread
Timer Minutes countdown? - by karemmahmed22 - 15.09.2015, 14:16
Re: Timer Minutes countdown? - by karemmahmed22 - 15.09.2015, 19:25
Re: Timer Minutes countdown? - by [KHK]Khalid - 15.09.2015, 21:39
Re: Timer Minutes countdown? - by karemmahmed22 - 16.09.2015, 05:26
Re: Timer Minutes countdown? - by amirm3hdi - 16.09.2015, 07:14
Re: Timer Minutes countdown? - by [KHK]Khalid - 16.09.2015, 13:34
AW: Timer Minutes countdown? - by Kaliber - 16.09.2015, 13:39

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