What's wrong!?

Use OnPlayerGiveDamage instead of OnPlayerTakeDamage if you're trying to stop people shooting others on the spawn point. OnPlayerWeaponShot is also another option, but not all weapons are covered by that callback.

Messages In This Thread
What's wrong!? - by AhmedElGaml - 12.09.2015, 17:18
Re: What's wrong!? - by Sellize - 12.09.2015, 17:19
Re: What's wrong!? - by AhmedElGaml - 12.09.2015, 17:20
Re: What's wrong!? - by AhmedElGaml - 13.09.2015, 14:45
Re: What's wrong!? - by Threshold - 13.09.2015, 15:11
Re: What's wrong!? - by sanamalik400 - 09.10.2015, 15:50
Re: What's wrong!? - by sanamalik400 - 09.10.2015, 15:52

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