Vehicle System: Vehicle spawns with saved Modelid and color1+2 but not on the XYZA

I checked the loading and indeed, somehow the X Y Z A stay at 0 but the rest is getting loaded perfectly.
I still dont get it because the INI file I have from the vehicle is saying the normal Coordinates where I have saved it. And it is saved as float. Any idea?

Console Debug line :
[13:35:16] DEBUGGING: LOADING VEHICLE ID 29 with MODEL:420, X:0, Y:0, Z:0, A:0, COL1:6, COL2:6
(It's veh ID 29 because I got 28 pre-scripted vehicles in there. But that shouldn't be causing the issue. I tried it without the pre-scripted vehicles)

INI File info:
Color2 = 6
Color1 = 6
A = 89.973571
Z = 24.520608
Y = 948.701721
X = -1755.607177
Model = 420
vID = 29

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