[FilterScript] [FS] Ranged Chat Commands


I'm sure all the experienced sa-mp coders will turn their noses up at my filterscript, but meh. It's a simple little contribution I am making .

Features :

- 3 Different chat commands (/say, /w(hisper) & /shout)
- The ability to very easily create more of these commands
- 'PlayerInRange' stock that could be used elsewhere (leave credit plz?)
- Easily change the ranges/colours of each chat.


If you need any help at all with this, or if you want me to help code an addition to this, just ask me...


Messages In This Thread
[FS] Ranged Chat Commands - by Hecky - 04.08.2009, 23:02
Re: [FS] Ranged Chat Commands - by Dr1ftEE - 04.08.2009, 23:05
Re: [FS] Ranged Chat Commands - by Hecky - 04.08.2009, 23:06

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