[Plugin] PathFinder

Inspired by the GPS-Plugin by Gamer_Z, I decided to write my own plugin because he doesn't continue development and some Features I needed are missing. I'm writing this to calculate Routes for NPCs by the way.

My Goal is to Create a plugin that can read Ped and Car Nodes from a dnf-File created with "Aschratts Path Editor" so the original GTA SA Nodes can be used. You will be able to choose which type of Node (Car or Ped) to use on calculation.
I'm going to concentrate on Linux first because most Servers, including mine, run on Linux. When all the Features are ready I'm going to make a Windows Version. You are (of course) free to do it yourself. The source will be available on GitHub.

I hope someone besides me is going to have a use for this and I'm looking forward to release the first Version.

UPDATE: I created a repository on Github: https://github.com/jeanluc162/PathFinder

Messages In This Thread
PathFinder - by jeanluc162 - 03.09.2015, 20:02
Re: PathFinder - by Jastak - 03.09.2015, 20:15
AW: Re: PathFinder - by jeanluc162 - 03.09.2015, 20:23
Re: PathFinder - by DRIFT_HUNTER - 04.09.2015, 06:29
Re: PathFinder - by AIped - 04.09.2015, 07:21
Re: PathFinder - by Vince - 04.09.2015, 10:11
Re: PathFinder - by Kyle - 04.09.2015, 10:49
AW: Re: PathFinder - by NaS - 04.09.2015, 11:55
Re: AW: Re: PathFinder - by Evocator - 04.09.2015, 13:59
AW: Re: AW: Re: PathFinder - by NaS - 04.09.2015, 14:02
AW: PathFinder - by jeanluc162 - 04.09.2015, 17:52
AW: Re: PathFinder - by jeanluc162 - 04.09.2015, 17:54
AW: PathFinder - by NaS - 04.09.2015, 18:31
Re: AW: PathFinder - by AIped - 04.09.2015, 19:26
Re: PathFinder - by Pottus - 04.09.2015, 19:52
AW: PathFinder - by jeanluc162 - 04.09.2015, 20:30
Update - by jeanluc162 - 05.09.2015, 19:32
Re: PathFinder - by Jastak - 05.09.2015, 19:39

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