[FilterScript] m_teleport.inc

The [FilterScript] tag on the topic is an accident

This is my first include release which makes it easier and faster to make teleports.

stock Teleport(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:FacingAngle, world, interior, showmessage, message[], style, sound, camreset, telemessage, telename[], telecommand[])
playerid - The id of the player for which you want to use this function.
Float:x - x cordinates of the teleport
Float:y - y cordinates of the teleport
Float:z - z cordinates of the teleport
Float:FacingAngle - Facing angle for the teleport
world - virtual world of the teleport (set 0 for default)
interior - interior of the teleport
showmessage - toggle teleport message
message[] - the message (This is used for showing teleport name,it will only work if the "show message" is true
style - as the messsage will be in GameText so you will have to enter the style
sound - toggle playing sound on teleport
camreset - Used to set player camera behind the player
telemessage - this will show a message to all players (example: Max has teleported to "telename[]" ("telecommand[]"))
telename[] - the name of the teleport to show in the global teleport message (only works when the "telemessage" is true)
telecommand[] - the command of the teleport to show in the global teleport message (only works when the "telemessage" is true)

1.Add the m_teleport/inc in the "/pawno/includes" folder
2.Add this after a_samp include and before including m_teleport
#define TeleMessageColor 0xFFFFFFFF
(This will be used as global teleport message color if you have enabled the global message in teleport)
3.Include the m_teleport

Example Script
#include <a_samp>
#define TeleMessageColor 0x33AA33AA /*Define this before including the m_teleport include.You can use costome color,it will be used for global message color*/
#include <m_teleport>


public OnFilterScriptInit()
	return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
	return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	if(strcmp("/teleport", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
		0,/*x cordinates*/
		0,/*y cordinates*/
		5,/*z cordinates*/
		0,/*facing angle cordinates*/
		0,/*virtual world*/
		true /*it will show the message as it is "true"*/,
		"Example"/*it will show a game text message to the player*/,
		6/*here we set the game test style to 6*/,
		true/*here we allowed the sound to be played*/,
		true/*it will set the players camers behind him/her */,
		true/*here we allowed the global teleport message*/,
		"Example"/*The teleport name in global message will be shown as "Example"*/,
		"/teleport"/*the teleport command in the global message will be "/teleport" now the final global message output is : "PlayerNameWillBeShowHere" teleported to Example (/teleport)*/);
		return 1;
	return 0;

Messages In This Thread
[Include]m_teleport.inc - by Fancy - 29.08.2015, 17:38
Re: m_teleport.inc - by Abagail - 29.08.2015, 17:51
Re: m_teleport.inc - by Fancy - 29.08.2015, 18:49
Re: m_teleport.inc - by Crayder - 29.08.2015, 18:52
Re: m_teleport.inc - by Roberto80 - 29.08.2015, 18:58
Re: m_teleport.inc - by Fancy - 29.08.2015, 18:59
Re: m_teleport.inc - by Crayder - 29.08.2015, 19:02
Re: m_teleport.inc - by PT - 29.08.2015, 19:02
Re: m_teleport.inc - by Fancy - 29.08.2015, 19:12
Re: m_teleport.inc - by Lordzy - 29.08.2015, 19:19
Re: m_teleport.inc - by Fancy - 29.08.2015, 19:22

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