29.08.2015, 15:55
To add on, I'd seriously be escaping that input.
Use mysql_format and pass any strings with the %e specifier or at least use mysql_escape_string so it can be escaped for SQL vulnerabilities.
PHP код:
Dialog:CreateChar(playerid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if (!response)
return PlayerData[playerid][pCharacter] = 0;
else if (isnull(inputtext) || strlen(inputtext) > 20)
return Dialog_Show(playerid, CreateChar, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Create Character", "Please enter the name of your new character below:\n\nWarning: Your name must be in the Firstname_Lastname format and not exceed 20 characters.", "Create", "Cancel");
new query[128];
mysql_format(g_iHandle, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `ID` FROM `characters` WHERE `Character` = '%e'", inputtext);
mysql_tquery(g_iHandle, query, "OnCharacterCheck", "ds", playerid, inputtext);
return 1;