[Help] ''Server closed the connection''

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password xxxxxxx
maxplayers 75
port 7777
hostname Explicit Roleplay [0.3x]
gamemode0 PR-RP 1
filterscripts flymode fsdebug http_test iradio maxips menutest modular_houses modular_island netstats npc_record ospawner pnetstats pnetstats2 safe_animated samp_anims skinchanger
announce 0
query 1
weburl www.explicit-roleplay.com
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 400
plugins dns streamer sscanf crashdetect

Messages In This Thread
[Help] ''Server closed the connection'' - by Vince123 - 29.08.2015, 08:03
Re: [Help] ''Server closed the connection'' - by Vince123 - 29.08.2015, 09:02
Re: [Help] ''Server closed the connection'' - by anassmaroc - 29.08.2015, 09:28
Re: [Help] ''Server closed the connection'' - by Vince123 - 29.08.2015, 09:32
Re: [Help] ''Server closed the connection'' - by ahameed4755 - 29.08.2015, 11:12
Re: [Help] ''Server closed the connection'' - by Vince123 - 29.08.2015, 11:15
Re: [Help] ''Server closed the connection'' - by Nixtren - 29.08.2015, 11:41
Re: [Help] ''Server closed the connection'' - by Vince123 - 29.08.2015, 12:55

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