Pickup ids mix

I made an info pickup on my server, so when you pick it up, it shouldn't dissapear and just leave you a GameText.
Its good, but when you pick it up, it also says you found the "tiki" (special prize on my server, /placetiki) and it dissapears. But it respawns after. And does the same stuff. I don't understand whats wrong...

new WorkPickup;
new TikiStatuePickup;

public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
	new	string[256],

	if(pickupid == TikiStatuePickup)
		GetPlayerName(playerid, winnerName, sizeof(winnerName));

		format(string, sizeof(string), "** %s has found the {FED801}tiki statue{8CDBF4} and won 10.000$!", winnerName);

		SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_SUCCESS, "** You have just found the {FED801}tiki statue{74E882}! You won 10.000$!");
		SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_AQUA, string);

		GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 10000);
		TikiPlacedCheck = 0;

		return 1;
	if(pickupid == WorkPickup)
	    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~Type ~r~/gangwork ~w~to begin working for gangs", 2000, 3);
	return 1;
Please help. Thank you

Messages In This Thread
Pickup ids mix - by hydravink - 27.08.2015, 16:02
Re: Pickup ids mix - by BKarner - 27.08.2015, 16:14
Re: Pickup ids mix - by hydravink - 27.08.2015, 16:22
Re: Pickup ids mix - by BKarner - 28.08.2015, 17:05

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