Simulate "SyncRotation" positions


As you may know, the AttachObjectToObject has a "SyncRotation" parameter, which changes the position of the attached object when the base object is rotated. When I try to get the position of the attached object, the old position (before attaching) is displayed (GetObjectPos), so I can't get the positions with attaching a object to the first one.

Basically, I need something like
pawn Код:
GetPosFromObjectOffset( objectid, Float:oX, Float:oY, Float:oZ, &Float:X, &Float:Y, &Float:Z );
(which simulates SyncRotation when set to 1, so it changes the returned position based on the specified offsets and also based on the objectid's position and ROTATION).

I think this is why Incognito is also fixing this problem: . I think he can't manage to do this calculation.

Messages In This Thread
Simulate "SyncRotation" positions - by IstuntmanI - 25.08.2015, 18:19
Re: Simulate "SyncRotation" positions - by Spmn - 25.08.2015, 18:30
Re: Simulate "SyncRotation" positions - by IstuntmanI - 25.08.2015, 19:51

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