Stunt Plane

For example, in my gamemode, at OnPlayerKeyStateChange, if you press KEY_FIRE in a vehicle, your engine will start.But you need to press very well and sometimes, even more times to press (2 or 3 times) to start the engine vehicle, it may be because of the lag?

Messages In This Thread
Stunt Plane - by SumX - 25.08.2015, 01:21
Re: Stunt Plane - by Toxik - 25.08.2015, 01:38
Re: Stunt Plane - by SumX - 25.08.2015, 01:48
Re: Stunt Plane - by X337 - 25.08.2015, 01:51
Re: Stunt Plane - by Variable™ - 25.08.2015, 01:52

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