20.08.2015, 14:49
You make a new variable, new seatbelt[MAX_PLAYERS];
Then, on command /sb put seatbelt [playerid] = 1;
When they remove the belt (at OnPlayerExitVehicle, for example), put seatbelt[playerid] = 0;
Then comes this:
Then, on command /sb put seatbelt [playerid] = 1;
When they remove the belt (at OnPlayerExitVehicle, for example), put seatbelt[playerid] = 0;
Then comes this:
if(seatbelt[playerid] == 0 && !IsADMVCar(vehicle) && !IsADMVHeli(vehicle) && !IsABicycle(vehicle)) { SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTGREEN,"Your seatbelt is not on type /sb to put your seatbelt on."); }