Moving PC hardware by plane

Hello guys!

I moved to Scotland two weeks ago quite lightly with just my old laptop (T61, my new laptop died ) and I'm planning to stay here for quite some time. I'm considering moving some stuff I left in Switzerland here, especially my desktop computer with my two 24'' screens. The distance between where I live in Scotland and my ex-home in Switzerland is quite big (about 1600km by car, approx. 16 hours of driving), so the best solution for me is by plane. I already checked for trains, it takes long and is expensive, and a transporter like FedEx, UPS, DPD, etc... is also expensive as hell.

I'm thinking about disassembling the computer, sell the case in Switzerland, keep the most sensitives parts in my hand luggage and the rest in the hold luggage, and buy a new case here. Any better ideas are welcome My main problem is still for the 24'' inch screens. The only possibility I see is putting them in my hold luggage, is it a good idea? Any tips for that? Btw, I'm flying with EasyJet, only direct flight...


Messages In This Thread
Moving PC hardware by plane - by R@f - 18.08.2015, 09:19
Re: Moving PC hardware by plane - by rymax99 - 18.08.2015, 09:26
Re: Moving PC hardware by plane - by Michael B - 18.08.2015, 09:39
Re: Moving PC hardware by plane - by Si|ent - 18.08.2015, 11:54
Re: Moving PC hardware by plane - by Crystallize - 18.08.2015, 11:57
Re: Moving PC hardware by plane - by Potassium - 18.08.2015, 21:58

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