A way to save a very long string

I'm working on some PHP API that connects to the server with RCON, the server retrieves all online players' names and sends it back to the website (in-case the playercount is bigger than 100). I didn't start making it yet, though I thought I'll be asking before, just to make sure saving a long string is possible (which may at worst case be 10,499 bytes - which is in case there are 500 players and all have a 20 characters long name). Any thoughts?

Messages In This Thread
A way to save a very long string - by arad55 - 16.08.2015, 22:04
Re: A way to save a very long string - by Jefff - 17.08.2015, 00:05
Re: A way to save a very long string - by arad55 - 17.08.2015, 01:52

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