/vehcolor CMD Problem.

Originally Posted by TitanForceGeneral
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Good Morning Everyone!.
I would like to know why is this script not working? The color doesn't changes properly.

if (strcmp("/vehcolor", cmd, true) == 0)
		new Color1[128];
	    new Color2[128];
	    new currentveh;
	    Color1 = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
	    Color2 = strrest(cmdtext, idx);
	    currentveh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
	    if(!IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, currentveh))
			SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED,"You must be in a vehicle to do this action!");
			return 1;
	  	if (strval(Color1) > 255)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Invalid Color ID");
	    return 1;
	 if (strval(Color2) > 255)
   	  	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Invalid Color ID");
	   	return 1;
   	     new string[128];
		 ChangeVehicleColor(currentveh, strval(Color1), strval(Color2));
		 format(string,sizeof(string),"Your car color have been changed to (ID: %d) and (ID: %d)", strval(Color1), strval(Color2));
		 SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, string);
		 return 1;
Why don't You use zcmd, which is a way more better and easier? And then Your code would look like this:
pawn Код:
COMMAND:vehcolor ( playerid, params[] ) {
    if( !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) ) // If player is not in vehicle, then don't do anything.
        return true;
    new Color[2];
    if( sscanf(params, "dd", Color[0], Color[1] ) ) {
        SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Usage: /vehcolor [0-255] [0-255]");
        return true;
    if( Color[0] < 0 || Color[1] < 0 ||
        Color[0] > 255 || Color[1] > 255
    )  {
        SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Invalid color pair.");
        return true;
    if( ChangeVehicleColor( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), Color[0], Color[1] ) ) {
        new Output[64];
        format( Output, 64, "Your car color have been changed to (ID: %d) and (ID: %d)", Color[0], Color[1] );
     // Max output length for this one is 59
        SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, Output );
    } else {
        SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Failed to change the color. Try again." );
    return true;

Messages In This Thread
/vehcolor CMD Problem. - by TitanForceGeneral - 16.08.2015, 10:35
Re: /vehcolor CMD Problem. - by LetsOWN[PL] - 16.08.2015, 10:46
Re: /vehcolor CMD Problem. - by ZToPMaN - 16.08.2015, 10:57
Re: /vehcolor CMD Problem. - by TitanForceGeneral - 16.08.2015, 11:12
Re: /vehcolor CMD Problem. - by Denying - 16.08.2015, 11:13
Re: /vehcolor CMD Problem. - by MarvinPWN - 16.08.2015, 11:13
Re: /vehcolor CMD Problem. - by TitanForceGeneral - 16.08.2015, 11:15
Re: /vehcolor CMD Problem. - by MarvinPWN - 16.08.2015, 11:17
Re: /vehcolor CMD Problem. - by TitanForceGeneral - 16.08.2015, 11:23
Re: /vehcolor CMD Problem. - by Denying - 16.08.2015, 11:29

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