14.08.2015, 11:21
Последний раз редактировалось Lorenc_; 24.09.2015 в 10:24.
What is this?
It's an /updates command! Yes. That's all for now.
Like me, many of you update your server. But it's just so annoying to keep repeating yourself. This filterscript aims to pretty much eliminate the effort of answering:

Now, many people I know who run servers probably manually code this in or have a tedious system to showing changes. Literally, stuff that and use this. It will save you time, especially when it comes to thinking about what you added...
This command shows the most RECENTLY published changelog by your project on RevCTRL and shows it in a dialog. As you code your features, add revisions to your project and then publish the changelog when you update.
The web server handles all the beauty. You can grab the .php script and modify it.

You must edit two things in the pawn file and compile it! That is:
ADVANCED: If you don't want to rely on my website URL, download the .php script into your web server and change the URL specified in the filterscript. Should be good from thereon.
Github: https://github.com/zeelorenc/sampctrl
Download revctrl.pwn
Download revctrl.php
My server uses the filterscript so there will be updates/implementations when required.
Most recent changelog

Write below if you have any questions or PM me! I use the filterscript personally and will actively develop it probably over time. It's kept as simple as possible that way integration is simple.
Bugs etc, report here or on the project's revctrl page (click here)
RevCTRL itself is a changelog management system, you can read more about it on the site itself. Use a temporary email if you're fussy about registration and are interested.
It's an /updates command! Yes. That's all for now.
Like me, many of you update your server. But it's just so annoying to keep repeating yourself. This filterscript aims to pretty much eliminate the effort of answering:

Now, many people I know who run servers probably manually code this in or have a tedious system to showing changes. Literally, stuff that and use this. It will save you time, especially when it comes to thinking about what you added...
This command shows the most RECENTLY published changelog by your project on RevCTRL and shows it in a dialog. As you code your features, add revisions to your project and then publish the changelog when you update.
The web server handles all the beauty. You can grab the .php script and modify it.

You must edit two things in the pawn file and compile it! That is:
- Define PROJECT_ID with your project ID on RevCTRL. You can find this in your project's about page.
- Define USER_PROJECT with your Username/Codename (ex. IrresistibleDev/SF-CNR)
ADVANCED: If you don't want to rely on my website URL, download the .php script into your web server and change the URL specified in the filterscript. Should be good from thereon.
Github: https://github.com/zeelorenc/sampctrl
Download revctrl.pwn
Download revctrl.php
My server uses the filterscript so there will be updates/implementations when required.
Most recent changelog
Write below if you have any questions or PM me! I use the filterscript personally and will actively develop it probably over time. It's kept as simple as possible that way integration is simple.
Bugs etc, report here or on the project's revctrl page (click here)
RevCTRL itself is a changelog management system, you can read more about it on the site itself. Use a temporary email if you're fussy about registration and are interested.