Invisible players.

Now, before you all start with "it is impossible and cannot be done", I have seen it happen and it can be done.
I played in a server where you are a supernatural being and you can turn invisible.
When invisible you can still see other players so the virtual world was not changed.

While invisible you could still see yourself and you were not in a vehicle, so, I don't think the player was in a vehicle.
I mentioned the vehicle part because everyone who said it might be possible said you should link a vehicle to an interior and put the player in the vehicle. I have not tested it myself but I would assume that you would still seem like in a vehicle, even an invisible one. Which did not happen when I turned invisible.

Now, I can describe how it went. Becoming invisible was tied to a key press using OnPlayerKeyStateChange (that doesn't matter tho, just thought I would mention it), once you pressed that key your screen would turn purple if I remember correctly, maybe not purple but it did change color (not green like night vision, that's for sure) and that's pretty much how it was. I beat up players and whatnot, I was a regular player, could do what anyone else could, I was just invisible.

So if anyone has an idea on how it was done and how I can do it, please reply here.

Thanks in advance.

Messages In This Thread
Invisible players. - by Denying - 13.08.2015, 19:07
Re: Invisible players. - by SoFahim - 13.08.2015, 19:10
Re: Invisible players. - by AIped - 13.08.2015, 20:05
Re: Invisible players. - by Denying - 13.08.2015, 21:55
Re: Invisible players. - by Denying - 15.08.2015, 15:23
Re: Invisible players. - by Denying - 16.08.2015, 17:12
Re: Invisible players. - by Abagail - 16.08.2015, 17:26
Re: Invisible players. - by faff - 16.08.2015, 18:35
Re: Invisible players. - by Denying - 17.08.2015, 15:25
Re: Invisible players. - by DaniceMcHarley - 17.08.2015, 15:33

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