Steam question

Yeah, you can play it even if you have a pirated version of it if you add it to your steam through "Add non steam games", but you will have to download the original steam game to play it on steams community because the pirated one will have couple of files missing, mostly the ones that have license verifications.

Messages In This Thread
Steam question - by Arastair - 13.08.2015, 12:48
Re: Steam question - by RadioActive26 - 13.08.2015, 13:19
Re: Steam question - by iMTube™ - 13.08.2015, 15:01
Re: Steam question - by Spmn - 13.08.2015, 15:16
Re: Steam question - by YoDawg - 13.08.2015, 15:35
Re: Steam question - by Arastair - 14.08.2015, 04:29
Re: Steam question - by Spmn - 14.08.2015, 09:49
Re: Steam question - by Lorenc_ - 14.08.2015, 11:44
Re: Steam question - by Arastair - 14.08.2015, 12:23

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