Centering textdraw to exact middle of screen?

Originally Posted by Riwerry
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Hmm, thanks, gonna remake it.
There wouldn't be a need to re-make it, What I usually do it make my textdraws on a 1920x1080 resolution, make everything after the decimal (eg .'23391122') to zero. and then fiddle around with it within a text editor closing the project and reopening it once I've made those edits.

Messages In This Thread
Centering textdraw to exact middle of screen? - by Riwerry - 05.08.2015, 10:23
Re: Centering textdraw to exact middle of screen? - by zT KiNgKoNg - 05.08.2015, 10:31
Re: Centering textdraw to exact middle of screen? - by Riwerry - 05.08.2015, 14:18
Re: Centering textdraw to exact middle of screen? - by SickAttack - 05.08.2015, 14:58
Re: Centering textdraw to exact middle of screen? - by Riwerry - 05.08.2015, 15:16
Re: Centering textdraw to exact middle of screen? - by zT KiNgKoNg - 08.08.2015, 09:29

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