need help with OnPlayerSpawn and GivePlayerWeapon

so even if i'l assign teams for certain classes just to make it easier to give random weapon it will be still completely possible to play pure deathmatch or free for all?

can AddPlayerClassEx (this function can automaticly assign team to certain class) be used to make that what you describe? (instead of variable like gTeam[MAX_PLAYERS] )

Messages In This Thread
need help with OnPlayerSpawn and GivePlayerWeapon - by Shrooman - 01.08.2009, 13:57
Re: need help with OnPlayerSpawn and GivePlayerWeapon - by Burridge - 01.08.2009, 13:59
Re: need help with OnPlayerSpawn and GivePlayerWeapon - by Shrooman - 01.08.2009, 14:04
Re: need help with OnPlayerSpawn and GivePlayerWeapon - by cyber_punk - 01.08.2009, 14:17
Re: need help with OnPlayerSpawn and GivePlayerWeapon - by Shrooman - 01.08.2009, 14:24
Re: need help with OnPlayerSpawn and GivePlayerWeapon - by cyber_punk - 01.08.2009, 14:35

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