rBits and y_bit

Found that for y_bits, y_bits only works for 1bit values like boolean variables


rBits is slower than y_bits because it uses functions instead of macros
But I think if you want to use 2,4,8 or 16 bit variables you should use functions

The advantage of macros would be if you use constants but that is only mostly given with 1bit

Conclusion, for 1bit variables I would use y_bits otherwise rbits

Messages In This Thread
rBits and y_bit - by goldspy98 - 04.08.2015, 05:46
AW: rBits and y_bit - by Nero_3D - 04.08.2015, 10:09
Re: rBits and y_bit - by goldspy98 - 04.08.2015, 17:39

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