Kolcarburgers - A JS game about Kalcor's daily life

So, around 2 days ago I was very bored and began asking myself, "What could Mr. Kalcor, the developer of SA:MP, do on his free time, what is his passion?" and so I began researching with my friend Malganys.

Me and Malganys came down to the conclusion that what Kalcor's loves and desires were located at one place, Burger King.

We went to Burger King and found out his secret passion, it was of course, burgers.

So, in honor of his love (literally) for burgers, we decided to develop a jQuery based game about Kalcor's dream. Being the owner of his very own burger-centered fast food chain.

Start your own burger adventure here:

We also have a repository:

Note: This a joke, and we'll even spell it out for you, it's a j o k e, it is not to be taken seriously. We admire the work of Mr. Kalcor and that's actually the reason we developed this "game" (If you can call it that at such an early stage), you can consider a thank you from us to Kalcor.

Another note: Yes, we understand the game is pretty raw, but this game was made in barely 2 days (Not in actual development time, that was about 5 - 8 hours) and therefore does not contain quite a few features we have planned. We WILL do some more releases with new features and a game-like design that it desperately needs, but if you could contribute to the repository, that would be great


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